Category / design and typography

design processes, tips, tutorials, or other useful information on graphic design.

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  • A Typographic Journey to Tainan

    Purpose We have been given an opportunity to meet with a Tainan local artist, Tsai Yu – a well known painter specializing in oil painting, Chinese calligraphy,  jewelery design and ceramic tile…

  • What are Chinese name chops?

    What are Chinese Name Chops (name seals)? What? Lamb chops? No, not something you bought out of a butcher shop, a name chop is developed in ancient Chinese times to symbolize and…

  • From written word to art

    Beginning of the written word Language and words are tools used by the human race to express feelings and ideas. Before language and words were invented, people originally could only express themselves…

  • Chinese Typo-graphy

    Chinese characters were originally drawings of objects (pictographs), but during the course of history they have been refined that they are now abstract and many of them are no longer recognizable as images. By putting the image quality back into a character, the character can then be read as an image again and can therefore also be understood by people with different language backgrounds. Universality thus re-established.

  • Welcome to my studio

    We are currently upgrading our website with new information! We are utilizing WordPress 2.8.5 as our site engine – state of the arts popular CMS and Blogging system.  We aim to provide…